26 April 2020 - There is now an alphabetical listing of the Mapmakers listing, accessed from the existing chronological Mapmakers listing, with more links between the mapmakers.
7 August 2019 - There is now a Prime Meridians page (in "Sundry"), describing the first county maps to have longitudes & latitudes.
10 July 2019 - I have updated the Mapmakers and Map Publisher pages for Motoring and Bacon. There is also a new (albeit short) listing of Coastal maps, and a slightly longer listing of Regional maps, both accessed via the "Sundry" page.
20 September 2018 - the "Map Publishers" page now includes Thomas Kitchin plus Emanuel & Thomas Bowen, and their maps collected together.
8 August 2018 - the "Collecting" page is now accessed from a new "Sundry" page on the main menu; Sundry contains Collecting (unchanged) and two new pages - "Scales" and "Surveys". Scales looks at the issue of the variation of yards in a (local) mile, whilst Surveys lists the actual surveys that took place of Essex, from which all other maps are derived. In addition, the "Railways" page now includes the Authorisation dates for lines, as well as their Opening dates.
3 February 2018 - general little additions, plus a lot on the "Lewis" maps.
25 September 2017 - throughout September about 6 extra Bacon flat maps have been added.
30 August 2017 - a new Map Publishers section for Charles Smith, plus the first few links from the website to IMCoS Journal articles.
14 August 2017 - a new Map Publishers section for the prolific Cary.
9 August 2017 - a new Map Publishers section for S Lewis, plus revisions to his maps in the County Maps sections.
30 June 2017 - Major revision to the Cole & Roper / Dugdale / Archer maps, both in a new Map Publishers section and in the County Maps sections.
3 June 2017 - Major revision to the Sidney Hall maps, both in a new Map Publishers section and in the County Maps sections.
17 May 2017 - Major revision to the J&C Walker maps, both in the Map Publishers section and across County Maps sections. Next one planned is maps of Sidney Hall.
4 February 2017 - Several individual maps added, scattered across the centuries, plus an increased section on road maps.
27 November 2016 - Over the last 12 months there have been several individual maps added, scattered across the centuries, particularly further J&C Walker maps.
11 December 2015 - More info on Mercator and successors' regional maps, including two new pictures, plus several smaller updates.
4 July 2015 - Much extended info on Mercator and successors' regional maps, plus several smaller updates.
14 May 2015 - Cartobibliographies page rewritten and expanded.
28 February 2015 - Several counties added to the Cartobibliographies page, although mainly of very old works.
10 February 2015 - Ordnance Survey started within Map Publishers, but only Intro and 1st three Series so far. Updates on Ogilby & AH Swiss.
13 December 2014 - all maps should by now have been updated, showing displayed scales and actual scales.
26 November 2014 - revised scales added for flat maps 19th and 20th centuries, but not yet for folding maps.
22 November 2014 - entries added for Hall 1842, Philips 1882, Geographia 1972 and Geographia 1938; in addition new entries made
for scales - as shown on the map and what that represents in miles/inch, plus what their actual scale is in miles/inch and as a ratio (such
as 1:250,000). At present the maps of the 17th and 18th centuries have been updated for this; later maps will have to wait for now.
10 November 2014 - Sundry small corrections, plus corrected info on the usage of Cole & Roper maps and on Dugdale's Curiosities of
GB, which used Cole & Roper maps and then Archer maps.
7 October 2014 - Major changes made to all the J&C Walker maps (including 3 new ones added), including a new section for them in
Map Publishers.
14 August 2014 - Barnetts folding maps released; not sure what will be the next; logically it is the OS, but that's huge.
16 July 2014 - Essex County Council folding maps released; Barnetts will be the next.
8 July 2014 - Geographers A-Z Map Co, Johnstons and Jarrolds folding maps released; Essex County Council will be the next.
26 June 2014 - Geographia folding maps released; Johnstons and/or Jarrolds will be the next.
10 June 2014 - Motoring folding maps (AA, RAC, etc) released; Geographia will be the next.
23 May 2014 - Bartholomew's folding maps released (there are a lot); AA & RAC will be the next.
2 May 2014 - Philip's and Cruchley's folding maps released; Bartholomew's will be the next.
20 April 2014 - Bacon's folding maps completed; Philips will be the next. Sundry extra county maps added.
6 April 2014 - Folding maps renamed Map Publishers, with Bacon (partially) present as the first one.
23 March 2014 - 20th century; 17th & 18th century road maps
9 March 2014 - third & fourth quarters 19th century.
23 February 2014 - second quarter 19th century.
8 February 2014 - first quarter 19th century and Railways added.
The second release, on 2 May 2013, added the 1st & 2nd halves of the 18th century. Some typos corrected 11 June 2013.
At initial release to the internet, on 10 March 2013, the following pages were available:
- Home
- Introduction
- County maps - 16th/17th centuries only
- Map makers - in full, but in need of work
- Individual maps - 16th/17th centuries only
- Dealers
- Libraries & Societies
- Cartobibliographies
- Dating maps
- Books
- Parliamentary, but incomplete
- Collecting
Further pages will be released progressively.