Traveller's Companion
First published in 1790, the Traveller's Companion was republished about 15 times up to 1828, so often that new plates had to be cut for the 1806 and 1822 re-prints.
The 1806 plate above is a re-cut - the geographical data is the same, but the words are slightly different. For instance, look at "Debden Hall" (just south of Saffron Walden, ie right), which was on two lines on the earlier and on one line from 1806. The 1822 change is easier to see, as (as shown in the 1828 above) all the text is changed by 90o.
1790-1805: displayed = actual of 10 miles = 19mm, or 13.3 miles/inch, ie 1:825,000
1806-1821: displayed 10 miles = 18.5mm, or 13.7 miles/inch; actual scale 13.2 miles/inch, or 1:840,000
1822-1828: displayed = actual of 10 miles = 18.5mm, or 13.7 miles/inch, ie 1:865,000.
East to the top.